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Présentation de la matière

Présentation de la matière

Messagepar Huguette » 05 Aoû 2022, 01:06

:unicorn: ça arrive aussi rapidement qu'une licorne
TUTRICE D'HISTOLOGIE 2022-2023 :angel: :histo:
RONÉISTE BDR 2022-2023 :coeur:
:dent: BDE DENTAIRE 2023-2024 :dent:

Vive l'histo et vive les dents

Picture a wave in the ocean. You can see it, measure it - its height, the way the sunlight refracts as it passes through - and it's there, you can see it, and you know what it is, it's a wave. And then it crashes on the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just... a different way for the water to be for a little while.
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Tut' Histo
Tut' Histo
Messages: 222
Inscription: 21 Aoû 2020, 17:05
Localisation: En train de chercher Ambro à Pasteur
Année d'étude: Dentaire 3
Prénom: Brebis

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